Rob Reger Memorial Golf Tournament Photo Gallery
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Rob Regier Memorial Golf Tournament is hosted each year by the Regier family in memory of Rob. After losing Rob to cancer, they decided to help K-State in its fight against the disease. This tournament raises thousands of dollars every year. Below are photos from the 2010 golf tournament. Click on thumbnails to see larger images. You are welcome to contact Marcia to have larger originals e-mailed to you, or special photos that you know were taken but are not included here. Please send any name corrections too!
The Regier Family
Shotgun start
Les & granddaughter Ryann Regier
Sig Ep volunteer hole spotter Tyler Davison, Briggs Auto
Bob Sailors, Mike Mealy, Byron Winans, Elvin Smith
Jim Erickson and Larry, Jeff, & Tony Cook
Larry Ihrig, Andy Poling, Tim Poling, Rodney Bracelin
Dan McEntee, Robert Zahner, Randy Endecott, Scott Jury
Rudy Ludwig, Beth Winans, Rose Stucky, John Harbison
Brad Dirks, EG Herl, Dave Maples, Jeff Jones, Matt Cannon
Brent Winans, Mitch Blanding, Rick Evans, Monte Blanding
Mary Jo & Larry Heyka, Tom Cooper, Kent Schneider
Sig Eps AJ Frederes, Drew McCart, Parker Liebl, Kevin Ahren
Rich Jankovich, Jad Gleue, Andrew Crawford, Rick Nelson
Steve Schurle, Darrin Becker, LaRae Kraemer, Joe Fanning
Mark McCormick, Brett Marcotte, David Whiteside, Wally Brockhoff, Rob Boyer
Mark McCormick
Brett Marcotte
Terry Arthur, Steve Baccus, John Shostak, Dan Yunk
Eric Dahl, Matt Adams, Doug Gaumer, Randy Regier, Jay Oltjen
Tracy Robinson, Brent Benkelman, Rob Denell, Joe Falley
The non-golfers.
Les Regier making announcements at the dinner.
Fred Cholick, Pres. & CEO of the KSU Foundation