Faculty Travel Award

Application Deadline: October 1 and March 1
Online Applications: https://jcrc.piestar-rfx.com/faculty-travel/30

These competitive awards support travel to professional meetings or workshops by JCRC faculty members. Student award requests are submitted through a different application. The biannual application deadlines are October 1 and March 1.

Recognizing that scientific techniques are important drivers in the progress of life science research, the center will provide travel funds to cancer research faculty for the following purposes:

  • Support visits to other institutions to learn new scientific techniques to subsequently apply these techniques in K-State laboratories.
  • Support new or ongoing collaborative studies that cannot be conducted without visiting colleagues at other institutions;
  • Introduce newly learned techniques and/or research advances to other investigators at K-State; and
  • Presentation at a conference.

Criteria for this award include: Positive impact on the applicant’s training, potential impact on laboratory recognition, possibility of establishment or support of collaborative efforts, evidence of frugality, and availability of matching funds.

Please prepare it with attention to detail and in the spirit that limited funds must benefit as many people as possible. Applicants should consult the university's guidelines on reimbursable travel expenses.

Submission of Application

  1. Use university travel guidelines for all costs.
  2. Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate attention to lowest possible cost options for expenses and research presentations with the most cancer relevance.
  3. Upload biosketch (NIH format, not more than 5 pages) as pdf file and name the follows: Faculty last name. Include submitted abstract as an additional page to the biosketch.
  4. The personal statement should include the cancer relevance of the faculty member's research.
  5. List of publications from the last 3 years.