A Day With Dr. Waddle activity book for kids

When cancer strikes in the family, at school, or in the neighborhood, children often harbor many questions and fears. The center’s staff created this activity book to help adults explain cancer to kids. Filled with pictures to color and puzzles to solve, A Day With Dr. Waddle presents a friendly duck who happens to be a scientist and explains cancer in an informative, yet sensitive, manner. Spend a day with Dr. Waddle in his super-dooper research laboratory and learn about cancer, science and good health habits.
How to order
To order books, please print, complete, and mail the order form with your payment. Cost is $3 per book, which includes shipping within the U.S. Shipping is charged on orders going outside the U.S. If you have questions, please feel free to call the cancer research center at 785-532-6705.
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Dr. Waddle also speaks Spanish!
El Dr. Waddle habla Español
Un Día Con El Dr. Waddle, ahora disponible en inglés y español, fue escrito e ilustrado por el Centro de la Investigación de Cáncer de Kansas State University con el propósito de ayudar a los niños entender el cáncer.