When a Friend Has Cancer


It can be hard to know what to say or do when a friend has cancer. This booklet was created by local cancer survivors, nurses, cancer/health-related agencies and others to offer ideas on how to show you care. Inside, you’ll find suggestions for providing emotional support and practical help, as well as gift ideas.

This beautiful, award-winning booklet was designed free of charge by This beautifully-designed free pamphlet, created by local cancer survivors, nurses, health-related agencies and others, with support from New Boston Creative Group, to offer ideas on how to show a loved one you care after he or she has been diagnosed with cancer or other serious illness. The JCRC prints, stores and distributes it free of charge. Contact the center for a free copy. New Boston Creative Group, Manhattan, KS, and printing was supported by the Johnson Cancer Research Center.

To request free copies, send an email cancerresearch@ksu.edu or call 785-532-6705. Shipping fees may be charged for large orders.

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